How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?
February 19, 2013 Christina Arabolis


It’s that time of the year to purchase seeds for your garden.  Just think of the money you will save and how much fun you could have growing your own vegetables.  Plus, buying seeds enables you to explore a vast number of varieties that you could never purchase in a store.  When selecting, look for Heirloom Seeds.   The term “heirloom” has come to mean an open pollinated variety of seed that has been around for generations.  These seeds are exactly the way nature created them and rely on natural pollination methods such as wind or insects.  Yes, these were our grandparents’ seeds!

Check out this awesome company, “Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds”   This is a great place to purchase seeds because they DO NOT sell GMO seeds!  Further see this page for shipping information – U.S.A & International (

Here’s what you will need to start seeds indoors:  Seeds, an organic seed starting soil (which must be sterile) and containers.  You can recycle containers from around the house such as egg cartons or milk/orange juice containers.  Just make sure you put drainage holes in the bottom as well as some type of tray to catch the water. Additionally, make you have a labeling system for your seeds.

How to Grow Seeds Indoors:

Slightly moisten the starting soil and fill the container to within half of an inch of the top.  Press down lightly to pack it.  With a straight edge such as a ruler, make several rows depending on the container.

Drop the seeds sparingly into the rows.

Barely cover the seeds with more mix and press lightly on entire surface.

Place the container in a clear plastic bag – recycled vegetable and bread bags are fine and store where the temperature is over 70 degrees.  The loose plastic bag around the seed container prevents moisture from evaporating, so check periodically.  You should have to just “mist” the seeds until they begin to grow.  When the seeds begin to grow, remove the plastic bag.

Place tiny plants in a sunny window and grow according to package instructions.  Keep in mind that seedlings need a lot of light.  You may have to supplement with some type of artificial light.

Place outdoors when the danger of frost has passed paying attention again to package instructions.  You will need to harden them off (gradually get them used to the real outdoor world) first by setting them outdoors, then bringing them indoors at night.  Do this for a few days before transplanting them outside.


About the Author: Christine Segal, M.Ed., is a Certified Holistic Health Coach having studied at Integrative Nutrition. She has her own business called Inner Beauty Workshops where she teaches clients how to generate beauty from the inside out. Christine is currently studying to become a Doctor of Spiritual Studies at Emerson Theological Institute. She hosts a weekly radio show on Freedomizer Radio called WakeUP & Live. Website (  To sign up for Christine’s newsletter:


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