Now is the time for YOU

Now is the time for YOU
April 10, 2013 Kasey Willson

Now is the time for you image


Down here in Adelaide, this time of year is known as ‘Mad March’.

For me, March was filled with work (clinic and writing), travel, work courses, launching my ‘Healthy Habits To Dining Out’ e-book, festivals, being proposed to, celebrating engagement and weddings with friends and family, and to top it off- Easter festivities.

Amongst all of life’s craziness, it is often easy to become lost in the ride of life, become ungrounded and lose your important values of health and happiness.

Don’t accept being run down, stressed, tired, bloated, or gaining those few extra kilos, just because life ‘gets in the way’. These simple reminders are dedicated to help you take a step back, and make sure you are making daily contributions to help you nurture yourself. Embrace the month of April (and beyond)!

1.  Let your loved ones know how special they are to you.

2.  Take an Epsom salt bath.

3.  Practice meditation and deep breathing.

4.  Ground yourself by walking barefoot on the grass or sand.

5.  Get your healthy eating back in order- start with your morning regimen and work from there.

6.  Plan ahead.

7.  Enjoy a fresh vegetable juice.

8.  Do something for you every single day.

9.  De-clutter.

10.  Move yourself often.

11.  Include handfuls of vegetables into your daily diet.

12.  Cook with coconut oil.

13.  Give them a smile and laugh a lot.

14.  Start a daily journal.

15.  Get 8 hours sleep a night.

16.  Make a smoothie.

17.  Ferment your foods.

18.  Think positive and manifest a wonderful day ahead.

19.  Add sea vegetables into your meals.

20.  Eat in a relaxed and happy environment.

21.  Give thanks for what you have.

22.  Take your lunch break.

23.  Soak up the sun.

24.  Breathe the fresh air.

25.  Let it go.

If you are struggling to make these changes, or you just want more support and information, watch this space.

Health & Happiness,


About the Author:

Kasey Willson Bio imageKasey Willson is an Adelaide based Naturopath, Nutritionist and author who embraces a healthy diet and lifestyle. She has a passion for helping others achieve their health and happiness potential through her books, educational blog and online health community.







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