Mars and Mercury Retrogrades; Refresh and Reboot

By in Change

The energies of the Universe are in many ways like a symphony orchestra. Each playing a note in tune with the other. The upcoming Mars and Mercury retrogrades which begin this month are playing a beautiful song; but we will only hear it if we choose to listen.

Mercury is in the Earth sign of Taurus and enters the “shadow” period on April 14th. This is when things begin to slow down, however Mercury will not be officially retrograde until April 28th. Mercury will be asking us to turn within, re-look and reassess our realities until May 22nd.

Mercury rules our minds, and when it turns retrograde we are being asked to focus on our thoughts. Taurus is an Earth sign that is very connected to our physical reality. This retrograde will be teaching us to look at the impact our thoughts have on our reality.

Perhaps reality is disappointing you, Mercury is asking you to change your mind about your situation in order for your situation to change. Kinda confusing and tricky but a fundamental truth about life on Earth. Be patient with yourself during this time. This Taurus energy is ideal for manifesting, however like a tree that takes years to grow, our manifestations may not occur over night. Your thoughts may be telling you things are moving fast enough; but that’s simply an ego trap. Time is on your side.

During this period of time our thoughts are intertwined with reality; meaning there is a chance they will trigger one another. The key is to remind yourself that not everything you think is an absolute truth. Allow space within your mind for the unknown to unfold; invite a higher power to intervene and trust this vulnerable ride.

There is a major chance of vulnerabilities with Mars in Sagittarius also turning retrograde on April 17th and not moving forward until June 29th. Mars will re-enter Scorpio during this period. Scorpio lessons are fundamentally about transformation, trust and surrender.

Life wants to change and it’s happening through each individual. Without a doubt a it’s a new paradigm for Earth, however in order for the shift to reach it’s potential we must release mental expectations of reality and understand that true power lies within. Literally anything can happen in your life and for the collective. Each person is being asked to dip their toes into their own unlimited potential; but in order to do so you must embrace the unknown.

Feelings are going to bubble up, and this could be very intense. It is all happening for a reason. When one allows themselves to observe this symphony as it unfolds; without grasping onto their human perspective a natural intelligence can move through and work it’s miracles.

The same power that births a child, creates a mountain, allows the sun to rise or a flower to bloom is also moving through you. You may not logically understand that, and these cycles are teaching us that we don’t have to intellectually comprehend. Instead our role now is to courageously move forward based on what our intuitions or feelings are guiding us to do. Then step back in awe and patiently allow the masterpiece to unfold.

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About the Author: Shannon is the editor for The Master Shift blog. She is an aspiring author, astrologer, teacher, assistant, emotional healer and more. Shannon loves to help others discover a passion and excitement for life. She is available for personal astrology chart readings. One of Shannon’s passions is emotional healing; she is a HeartSpeak practitioner. This is a system that identifies the emotional stress behind physical symptoms and works to clear and replace these stressors with healthier feelings. Above all else Shannon’s intention is to BE a part of the Master Shift by centering in a space of love and transforming planet Earth as we know it.

For personal chart readings or emotional healing session email Shannon at [email protected]

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