Jupiter in Scorpio: Getting into the Water

By in Mastershift

The planets are not doing anything to us. When there is an energy shift; if we choose to ignore it nothing horrible will happen to us. However if we choose to know which way the current is flowing; we can use our freewill to align with it. This new wave is one we are not going to want to miss. In many ways it’s time now to get in the water, grab our surf boards and start paddling.

Jupiter changes signs once a year. The planet of expansion, good fortune, grace and serendipity moves from Libra into Scorpio on October 10th where it will remain for approximately one year.

Jupiter teaches us to think bigger. To open our minds and open our hearts to new experiences. However if we are resistant to change this can feel uncomfortable.

Over the last year we’ve been asked to amplify our relationships to ourselves. This has created a ripple effect into all our relationships. We’ve learned codependency is not sustainable and we’ve been asked to reclaim our independence. Maybe we’ve had to say goodbye to something or perhaps a new relationship has entered our lives.

Either way it’s now time to dive deep into ourselves. Yes, relationships are important but now is the time to reclaim our sovereignty.

This energy is about recognizing that we are the generators. We are the power plants creating energy and experiences. We do not need anything outside of us; we are the source of creation.

Over the next year powerful shifts will occur and some of these things may happen in strange ways. This cycle is very much about claiming our personal power and then allowing life to fall into place. Sure, we may be tempted to micromanage the manifestation process; however if we focus on magnetizing our desires we will have a much more profound experience.

This energy is not about holding tightly and grasping to physical reality. Instead think of it as water.

We can’t hold water in our hands because it will alway slip out; but we can get into the water and allow it to hold us.

Where are the areas we’ve been holding onto?

Now is a time to let go and allow the force of life to hold us.

Trusting the unknown is the number one assignment as Jupiter travels through Scorpio. This leaves us humans feeling vulnerable.

Transformations are occurring collectively and individually. These are our answered prayers but we must let go of what we think we know in order to experience something new.

This is a time of alchemy. 

Let us remember that we are human and change can be scary. Let us be gentle and easy with ourselves. Let us be compassionate and kind to one another. However it is essential to be honest with ourselves and each other.

What do you really want?
What do you want to experience?
What are you ready to let go of?

The answers are heading our way.

About the Author: Shannon Hugman is a professional astrologer and creator of the Art of Astrology Online Academy. She is also available for personal readings at www.shannonhugman.com or if you are interested in learning how to give yourself readings check out her online classes.

You can follow Shannon on Facebook and Instagram.

1 Comment

  1. Kelly D 7 years ago

    I think I am ready for new changes and to let go of what wasn’t mine in the first place. I am grateful for everything I have right under my nose xo

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