Falling into Balance: Post Equinox Energies

By in Mastershift

We’ve shifted seasons and whether or not we live the the northern hemisphere or the southern one there’s now an opportunity to incorporate some much need balance into our lives. The thing with balance is if we don’t realize we’re unbalanced we can’t return to a neutral state. There are ways in which we’re blinded by our opinions, habits or outdated perspectives; these keep us at arms reach from the coveted balanced state.

As the Sun shifts into the sign of Libra (this is known as the equinox) the cosmos is shining a big spot light on the choices that keep us stuck. Relationships are a huge part of being human and some may argue it’s everything.

We’re here on Earth to relate and to grow from these connections. Now this could be a relationship to self, a lifestyle or another person. It could be a relationship to a substance or an attitude. This is not exclusively human to human relationships although those will be in focus for many.

The key right now is to realize we get to choose our relationships.

So often we can feel stuck in a relationship. We can feel like the other person has to change and that it’s our role to enforce their shift. Or we can feel like we have to change which can leave us feeling inadequate or like a failure.

Instead let’s see it this way: we have a choice now to accept the relationship or let it go.

There’s no more room to push or enforce our agendas on others. There’s no more “if only he’d say this I’d be happy” or “if only I had more money I would change that”. There’s no more space for excuses.

It’s either we want to accept the relationship as it is; or we don’t.

Both options are valid. Both are ok. Both will set us free.

The planet Jupiter has been travelling through the area of Libra for the past year. Over this time our codependencies, our patterns and the ways we reach for validation from others have been highlighted.

It’s clear where we prioritize others over ourselves. It’s clear where we conform to someone else’s expectations. It’s clear where we sidestep relationship with self and try to fill ourselves up with someone (or something) else.

We have the opportunity now to simply fall into balance. We get to open our grips and let go of what we were holding so tightly too. We get to give up the fight and surrender to what is. Or we can give up the fight and walk away.

There’s no changing anyone but ourselves. Even changing ourselves must start with accepting where we are at right now.

This is a time to implement all the lessons we’ve learned since September 2016. This is a time of culmination and moving on. It’s an exciting time. Soon (October 10th) Jupiter will move into Scorpio where he will stay for a year (more on that soon).

This will liberate us from the chaos of codependency. This will give us the courage to be honest about what we want. It will give us the power to magnetize our desires. However first we must become honest about what we are not and what we want to leave behind.

We must stop looking to others and hoping they will change; now is the time to accept everything as it it. Returning to balance is happening. We may have to make some mistakes but we will get there. The middle path will carry us. We can all use a little break from the roller coaster ride of highs and lows that has been the last 2 years.

We’ve learned a lot from the ride; but now let’s remember how safe and strapped in we are. Let’s choose acceptance and allow that to blossom into harmony. Choosing to look in the mirror and accept what we see; while remembering this is simply our starting point.

Knowing that a journey of transformation is just around the corner.

About the Author: Shannon Hugman is a professional astrologer and creator of the Art of Astrology Online Academy. She is also available for personal readings at www.shannonhugman.com or if you are interested in learning how to give yourself readings check out her online classes.

You can follow Shannon on Facebook and Instagram.


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