Finding Peace, Purpose and Enthusiasm in the Present Moment

By in Be, Mastershift

“You have to want to succeed more than you want to breathe” – Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas is essentially encouraging us to focus on future instead of the present moment. This message may have helped some people get motivated and achieve great things. Conversely this message has the potential to disrupt our peace in the present moment. 

Feeling motivated has certainly helped me in terms of wanting to achieve more than just the average person. However being on the spiritual journey however has helped me to become more present.

The distinct concept that I have had to learn was this: regardless of what goals and ambitions you have in life it does not matter unless  you strive for new heights of consciousness. 

Consciousness transcends thought and is built from the energy of ‘being’ present. The present moment cannot be intellectualized it can only be felt. The only way to truly feel the present moment is by letting go of the thinking-mind. The point of this message is not to condemn the mind, we certainly need the mind in our lives for guidance but more as a complimentary to consciousness rather than the dominant player in our life.

All existence exists only within the present moment.


There are two different kinds of memory. Factual memory and psychological memory. Factual memory provides you with a benchmark in the moment. It is based on an all knowing certain facts, such as your name, your parents name, how to walk, read and write.

Psychological memory however is when the mind is dwelling on the past and thus keeping us from living.


The only real thing that we need future thought for is to direct us within the present moment. It’s good to dream, in fact it’s necessary for achievement, however if we dwell on our dreams it can hurt us from taking the necessary steps within the present moment to achieve them. Future thoughts are best used as a complimentary to the present moment but should never be dwelled upon negatively.

Present moment

You are fully present when the thinking-mind is off; you are conscious of your breathing or the sensation of inner body energy from top to bottom. It is a full body sensation where you exist and are completely free from time and space.

Most motivation focuses on taking massive amounts of action towards achieving what you want.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says “It does not matter how much we ‘do’ if we neglect ‘being’

Instead of always using the present moment as a simple stepping stone for the future let us use it to be fully alive. When you are present everything that you ‘do’ becomes enriched, full of energy and you receive a clearer perspective of life.

So why is it that so many people of the world are so caught up in the mind? It’s because the world has had a very subtle but yet dominating way of saying that you need to be somebody. That you need to walk on trails that have already been paved rather than creating your own path and being creative.

Jim Carrey’s message at the Golden Globes sums this message up perfectly.

“And when I dream, I don’t just dream any old dream, no sir. I dream about being three-time golden globe winning actor Jim Carrey. Because then I would be enough.”

What he’s saying here is that we are already enough in this present moment. Nothing you can you do, or achieve outside of you can make you more whole than you already are as we right now!

He continues to say….

Then it would finally be true. Then I could stop this terrible search. That ultimately won’t fulfill me.”

Nothing we gain materially, or any kind of label can fulfill us. Ultimately our search to find some kind of self-identification and self-satisfaction will be unsuccessful. All fulfillment lies right where you stand in this moment.


When you focus on being present regardless of what you’re ‘doing’ then a very subtle level of peace will emerge.

Not all situations and circumstances in your life pertaining to the present moment are going to make you happy. Regardless of what situation you are in, you cannot undo what is, because it already is. Any resistance to ‘what is’ will cause a much deeper level of pain than is unnecessary.  The best thing that you can do in any situation of displeasure is either change the situation, change your attitude about the situation, leave if possible or accept it as it is. Anything else is resistance and will always cause great deals of pain.

When you accept the situation that you’re in, even if your unhappy, you will create level of peace lessening the pain to a degree.  This will upgrade your level of happiness.   

This theory of greatness is hurting the human race and all true peace and happiness lies simply in the joy of just existing which is the joy of being present.


Instead of wanting what you don’t have, or being in a place other than the one you’re in now accept it with compete and unconditional gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most important aspects of consciousness for peace and contentment. Of course you want to put food on the table for you and your family and of course you want to do what’s necessary to survive; that’s a natural instinct of the animal race.

If you are reading this right now however, then you are alive and that is something to be grateful for. To have loved ones in your life, to be able to see the next moment. Having gratitude will allow you to be more present because it’s true essence is the opposite of desire. All desire usually stems from material, time and space. Gratitude is wanting no other materials then what you currently have, wanting to be in no future circumstance, wanting to be in no other place than the one you’re in now. This is true gratitude, true peace and where all peace lies. 


When you are truly peaceful within simply existing now, then whatever you decide to do on your motivational journey will have a much greater deal of joy in it. You will simply ‘do’ everything with much more joy than you had previously. What will happen when you ‘do’ something for the sake of enjoying, it no longer becomes work and rather a hobby within your lifestyle. Then what happens at some random time in the future you will see results, unplanned results for that matter. They don’t fulfill your joy because you are choosing to be ‘joyful’ right now. They will simply flow right along with your life and add another level of enjoyment.

Your Purpose

Everyone is out in search of this grand purpose in life, this grand meaning that they must create. This grand purpose takes them away from the moment. On top of gratitude, peace lies in the small things, the seemingly insignificant things which are actually very significant if you take a deeper look. Do you know what my purpose on this earth is right now? To continue finishing this article. Nothing else matters right now. If I decide to go grocery shopping tomorrow, while I’m grocery shopping that is my purpose on this earth. If you are changing a tire on the side of the highway in the pouring rain; in that moment that is your purpose even if it causes displeasure. Your purpose is always what is right in front of you. Does this mean that you can’t have nice cars, a huge mansion, several boats? Of course not. You can still have these things, but they won’t decide whether you are fulfilled or not.

When your purpose hinges on some occurrence in the future, it takes you away from being present and thus takes your attention away from the small yet meaningful parts of life.  This can kill your contentment and happiness.

When the anxieties of life start creeping up, remember to focus less on situation and circumstance and more on the present moment.

About the Author

Matthew Donnelly has been on a journey dedicated towards personal growth for 1 ½ years and now. About 7 months ago he decided to shift his heart to the spiritual realm. The difference he has realized on the motivational world is that it’s about ‘doing’ versus the spiritual realm which is more predicated on ‘being’. He has recently written a book on Spirit of Motivation which takes a longer dive on how to incorporate motivation naturally into your lifestyle. Motivation should be less about force and more about nature. He believes whole heartedly on creating your life through motivation but more important having gratitude within present moment and being peaceful along the way towards your ambitions.

Matthew Donnelly has been on a journey dedicated towards personal growth for 1 ½ years and now. About 7 months ago he decided to shift his heart to the spiritual realm. The difference he has realized on the motivational world is that it’s about ‘doing’ versus the spiritual realm which is more predicated on ‘being’. He has recently written a book on Spirit of Motivation which takes a longer dive on how to incorporate motivational more naturally within your lifestyle. Motivation should be less about force and more about nature. He believes whole heartedly on creating your life through motivation but more important having gratitude within present moment and being peaceful along the way towards your ambitions.


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