Love is my Religion

By in Love

The darkness on this planet is a very deep one that goes right into our very psyches, the core of our being. The material world here is mired in low density vibration that can feel like mud to many of us, especially when we become more conscious of our situation. There is light at the end of the tunnel however, as awareness casts light and understanding of this ‘separation’ state, and in the awareness, the immanent tension is resolved.

Many may feel a sense of being abandoned by God, in this spiritual void, in this highly physical atmosphere. There is something of an awareness rising that something is missing – the void is filled by drugs, by entertainment, smoking, alcohol, sex (etc.) – one of being removed from awareness of God and the cosmic.

Shamans and seers have a direct experience of other realms. As intermediaries between the seen (visible) world and the spirit world, they explore the other world, the unseen world. Delving into the other side, a seers are able to raise self-awareness to heal the root causes of diseases and afflictions. In truth, we all have the ability to be seers and shamans.

The mind is a powerful tool if focused, as are the emotions. When we are in tune and seeing clearly, we are that which we seek, we become that which we are. This is not the same is getting what we want.

How do we separate ourselves from the clutter and intense energetic charges around us, to find this clarity, and consciously create the life we seek?

People’s judgements tend to saturate society – one has to go far away and remove oneself entirely to find stillness and allow wisdom to bud.

Judgement is the result or symptom of one’s state of self-development. Unless one finds deep peace and ultimately samadhi, one is always searching outside of oneself for pleasure and relief from pain. The judgements come as people are insecure and do not know themselves. The more unhappy they are within and the more they are judging themselves, the more they will judge others. The more one looks externally to satisfy our internal cravings, the more hungry and unsatisfied one will become. A spiritual calling cannot be satisfied within physicality.

It is essential to be able to keep a distance from external distractions, and find inner stillness, allow one’s own balance in silence. This is the way to peace. Then one is able to navigate through this world with skill like the captain of a ship. An African proverb says, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” Sometimes the waters will not be still, and it is there, that we learn most.

Even at our worst moments, we are still learning, and it is in these moments when we stop and access consciousness, access our guides and Higher Self, that we may taste transcendence.

In terms of our “beliefs,” we are filters. In this dimension, and there are many, we are filtering systems for advanced vibrational forces beyond our imagination. Everything is sourced in consciousness.

Engaging with and understanding the natural cycles that surround us, feeds our ability. Nature always works in patterns. A wise person understands the pattern language of time.

Our internal filter is our “feeling” mechanism, the language of our hearts. Otherwise, we could easily believe anything and everything. It’s vitally important to be mindful and observant of “what feels right.” Carlos Castaneda wrote – “Before you embark on any path, ask the question: Does this path have a heart?”

It is our connection to our Higher Self that will bring the Highest wisdom and answers, not our addictions to materialism.

True illumination comes via love. Living a spiritual life is having compassion for other beings, as well as having compassion for the self. Any one religious or mystical path may enlighten yet if, even for a moment, it removes us from love, then there is separation, there is doubt, there is confusion. If it removes us from life, the present moment, and the living breath of nature, then it is also preaching separation. God is always present in all life, and without the understanding that all life is sacred, we have got ourselves into our current consumerist society that doesn’t care about consequences, or about how things are made, or even where they come from, or the suffering caused.

Our soul is something transcendent, yet it is with us too, present in a physical incarnation. Rumi had a wonderful way of expressing the purity and simple essence of the soul. Rumi writes – “Forget the nonsense of there and here, race, nation, religion, starting point and destination. You are Soul, and you are Love.”

Conceit creates an abyss of folly that dances with the belief that one is the centre of the universe. In this darkness, one can descend into madness and suffering. It is love that can open the heart to perceive the truth. With love, all things are possible.
Love is not a religion, yet how would it be if love was our way of worshipping the Divine. Love is our way into wholeness and out of separation. What if falling in love was our practice? What if our religion was love?


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  1. Caroline 9 years ago


  2. Cathy 9 years ago

    Wow! This says it as it is! ON!
    Heart center.
    spiritual cardiology specialist!


    • David 8 years ago

      wow thanks Cathy. Spiritual Cardiology Specialist! Thank you!
      That’s amazing feedback!

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