Questions that May Help with Spiritual Discernment

By in Change

I post this with some hesitation since usually the Divine will come to you (in dreams, quiet
whispers and signs) with what you need to know. Meditation can also be a great time to be open to receiving guidance. I’ve often found though, that asking the right question does show that you are ready, curious and/or trying to understanding a life lesson. Therefore Spirit will find a way to deliver the answer.

So while this is a running list I started, it’s not meant to be taken into meditation in it’s entirely. Seriously, just one of these questions at a given time might help.  And I’d bet you’ll come up with the question that is best suited for you.

1. What does my soul/higher-self wish to tell me?

2. What am I trying to know the truth of? What is my truth in this situation?

3. What is separating the light; making the issue unclear? What have I not been ready to see
until now?

4. How is this situation serving me?

5. Why have I created this challenge?

6. What is opening up in my life?

7. What is ending?

8. If I walked away… where would I go?  What would I do?

9. What does my body need in order to heal?

10. What emotion needs to be released?

11. Guidance from my angel/guide/book of records…

12. How does my divine nature play/interact/create now?

13. How can I express my intention/purpose?

14. Does this situation make my heart expand or close?

15. Am I creating a problem where there isn’t one?  And, why?

16. What is in my vibrational frequency now?

17. Everything has already happened so, is this energy of the challenge a carryover that needs to be released?

18. What other timeline/life would assist in my understanding of what to do in my reality

19. Is my action/job/purpose the bridge to get me where I want to go?

20. If all my financial and family needs were taken care of, what would I do?

21. What does my soul wish to express to me?

22. Am I living in harmony with my soul?

23. What choices am I avoiding and why?

24. Why am I allowing this situation to continue?

25. What in my life, now, needs more attention?

26. What places am I just doing busy work verses soul work?

27. What am I not allowing?  What am I still not giving myself permission to feel/do/see?

28. Is the timing right for _____ ?

29. What sign have I missed?  What is so obvious that I’m not seeing it?

30. What is the next step?

31. What energy (love, support, purpose, etc.) do I want to surround me at this time?  (in the way of people, situations, etc.)

32. What/how is this experience preparing me for _______?

33. What role have I been playing that is no longer who I am?

34. What dream/goal do I fear will not come to fruition??  What if it doesn’t?


About the Author:  Molly Brown

A few years ago, at the age of 39, I left my career and home town and started fresh.  Crazy and scary – an understatement, but at the time, it felt like a necessity.  I’d have no idea what I really started was an amazing spiritual journey which is now my passion and lifestyle.  Now living along the coast of North Carolina, I AM a mother of teens, a fiancé, a writer and… spiritual being who is very human.  I feel blessed to have learned all that I have and wish to share my perspective to encourage and inspire other soul seekers.  Let evolve together! For more information, please visit my personal blog at:

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  1. Oneness Mantrs 9 years ago

    Thank for this wonderful collection of soul questions!

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