Once in Every Other

By in Be, Compassion, Love

Once in every other, every other
Is a soul bound to the good of the world
A soul that seeks no acceptance
But seeks positivity

This will lives in all of us,
whether we decide to accept our realities is the difference
For we can live lost in the physical
Or we can physically find life it self

These are the souls that trigger a change
A change through the masses, to then be taken as normality
A change in perspective, a natural selection

Through childhood we are intimidated by these souls
The ones that differ
The fortunate unfortunate

No more ridicule towards the imperfect
For difference can never mean worse
Different is based on our ideas and beliefs
Now is the time of the every other

We must not fight fire with fire,
But praise the fire for its destruction
And then soothe it with water
If we emit only the highest of energies to every living being
Then it will spread like contagion
And before you know it
The every other’s, will be everyone.

My name is Tegan Fletcher, hailing from rural Wales, Powys. I am 18 years young and my passions are music, poetry and positivity. I believe we can make a change through the power of creative arts and positive thinking.

My name is Tegan Fletcher, hailing from rural Wales, Powys. I am 18 years young and my passions are music, poetry and positivity. I believe we can make a change through the power of creative arts and positive thinking.


  1. Lisa 9 years ago

    Beautiful, you may be 18 years young, but your soul is very wise, very old. Namaste Tegan <3

  2. Chantelle 9 years ago

    Tegan you are very wise, through your words it is shown. May you awaken to further truths existence presents to you. Keep moving ever forward 🙂

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