How to Call Upon Angelic Support During Times of Change

By in Change

Sometimes as humans it is hard to let go and embrace change. Big shifts are on the horizon for 2017; an exciting cosmic story unfolds.

We are rising to our true potential. We are coming together as a collective. We are shining the light. We are saying no to the forces that deny us freedom. We are drawing boundaries.

This can feel heavy and if you are sensitive you may be feeling anxious.

Feeling afraid and feeling excited are very similar experiences. It’s hard to discern what we are feeling sometimes. Especially when our logical minds gives us countless reasons to be afraid.

Fear is simply: Feeling Excited Adventure Ready. An incredible adventure is beginning; we are ready for this and we can handle it.


It’s the only thing that is constant here on this Earth. It’s probably also the thing I fear most.

Maybe you can relate?

Those of us here right now, especially you reading these words. We are renegades. We are living through a period of time like no other. The Earth has never seen the changes we are currently experiencing.

Here’s your permission slip to feel uneasy, BUT this is not a permission slip to run and hide.

We are here for a reason. We are qualified to navigate these energetic shifts, cultural changes and advances in technology. We can handle it.

I’m still terrified at times.

I’ll be honest I’m a full fledged believer in the power of angels, the cosmos and connecting to the energies of our planet. However I also love to have my feet planted firmly on the ground.

I like knowing what the next step is.

Okay, to be completely honest, I like knowing what the next 100 steps are. I like to see the whole plan mapped out in front of me and when I don’t, guess what? I default to fear.

It’s human. It’s okay for you to experience this too.

I sat down to write this because this is medicine I need to take, wisdom I benefit from hearing and it’s the reminder my higher self has served.

Maybe you can relate?

The more the energy of our planet changes (which isn’t hard to see) the more and more we are being asked to be vulnerable.

Throw your arms up and scream roller coaster style vulnerability.

However just like the roller coaster; we are strapped in. It’s up to us to remember that.

This human experience can be intense. I always benefit from reminding myself that it’s all energy. We are energy. The Earth is energy. The planets are energy. Angels are energy.

Usually when I share my insights here at The Master Shift, I focus on planetary energies.

Today I want to shift gears and talk about angelic energies.

Take a moment and imagine that there are thousands and thousands of angels cheering you on. Sure, you may not be able to see them but they are present. These beings are loving, benevolent and supporting you; they are not to be feared.

You are made of energy and therfore you can interact with all energies that exists in the Universe. When I speak about angelic energies. I always have to remind myself that nothing is forcing us to do or be anything. Rather they are waves of vibrations that support us. We can use our free will to choose to align with these currents.

My favourite team of vibrations are the Archangels. You’ve probably heard of them and if not definitely check out Doreen Virtue or consult Guru Google.

That being said, you do not need to reach for external information to engage and foster a connection with these angels. Basically they are Super Angels. Hero Angels who can work with infinite amounts of humans at the same time; they got all our backs.

Each Archangel has a special area of expertise. For example Archangel Gabriel is a powerful force when it comes to communication. I’ve invoked and chatted with her many times during the process of sharing my insights in the forms of writing and speaking. Archangel Raphael bring the gifts of healing. There are many other angels too. However my main man is Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is a powerful ally.

Now it’s important to remember we are speaking about energies. Archangel Michael essentially is a current of energy. His energy washes in offering protection, guidance and using his sword he cuts away what is no longer serving us.

This may sound fancy and confusing but it’s pretty simple. Is there something you are worrying about? Invite Michael to protect you and resolve the situation that is causing you distress. Are you feeling unsafe? Michael is your guy.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked Archangel Michael to join me when I’m walking home alone at night, feeling vulnerable or spooked out. In fact every time I leave my car or house I thank Archangel Michael for guarding it and keeping them safe.

In this new paradigm; we do not have to go it alone. It’s no longer us against the world. Yes, you still have free will, but you can use it to align with energies like the angels to help support you.

All you have to do is invite them in. It’s as simple as saying “Thank you angels for supporting me now”. Aligning with their vibes will not only bring peace of mind but it will open miraculous doors we didn’t even know existed.  

All is well.

We’ve got this.


About the Author: Shannon Hugman is an astrologer, artist, emotional healer and more.  Shannon is offering a group angel card reading for only $2. This intuitive reading will look at where change is occurring, how we can work with it and what gifts are on the other side of it. You can order here for only $2. However if you cannot purchase Shannon still wants this information to be accessible, so email her at [email protected] explaining why you will benefit from some angelic support. Also Shannon is offering a FREE series of emails to guide our through the process of connecting to your highest self. Join for free here. 

Shannon is also excited to help individuals harness the wisdom of astrology her online course, The Art of Astrology Online Academy, which is on sale now for the lowest price ever.

She is also available for personal astrology chart readings and emotional healing sessions which can be purchased through her website.

Follow Shannon on Social Media to receive daily astrology forecasts!
Facebook: Shannon Hugman
Instagram: @shannonhugman
Periscope: Shannon Hugman

Click the image to read more about Shannon’s intuitive angel guidance:


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1 Comment

  1. Rogerio 8 years ago

    Thanks Shannon, I can definitely relate to what you say. I gonna join the Archangel Michael group! All is well.

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