Alchemy of the Heart

Alchemy of the Heart
June 6, 2015 David Zenon Starlyte


How do we discover our innate wholeness and goodness that lives inside our hearts? How do we come to contact the ineffable source of all presence?

Rumi memorably and tantalizingly invites us to the field of dreams –“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” Let’s rest in this space.

Deep in our heart, what do we yearn for?

Beyond the concepts of what should or shouldn’t be, beyond our yearning to feel accepted by others and ourselves, lies the truth of our boundless self – I am One.

Love is the only message that emanates from the heart of Creation. An endless spring of beingness and becoming is all that purifies the soul of the world. Our real nature is in this being and becoming.

The root of our suffering is in the ego that says there is a future or a past; it’s in the idea that we are not good enough.

Sometimes, the heart needs to keep breaking open until it stays open.

In our hearts, we know that all there is, is right here now, in this moment of forever. We feel our connection to Source and our immortal nature. We experience pure stillness, which is beyond words or understanding.

In each moment that arises from endless possibilities, we have the potential to discover who we are.

In “yes” is a whole world waiting to be uncovered.

The truth of being whole and complete, accepting all that is, comes from our natural self. It is only indoctrination and conditioning that removes us from this universal truth.

How do we come to this point – how do we come to experience such ‘stillness?’

All journeys are unique and every person is on a spiritual journey, whether aware of it or not. This is due to the nature of intrinsic reality being spiritual in nature and quality. The very evolution of this planet has led us to this point.

To progress, requires a letting go, and openness to discover more. To expand requires the ability to surrender the past, release it entirely. This challenges the notions of what we thought was true. It challenges the entire education system which supports the old and limits the new. It challenges our ideas and models that are stuck in the past, within religions, science, philosophies, and politics. As Andre Gide taught: “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

All it starts is with a curiosity.

To be present, is to be here now. Complete presence is entire, as in every nuance of consciousness is in the now. That is without pause to make a plan, or act on a desire, or ruminate over past deeds.

The present is a complete whole. It has to be so.

If we agree that being present is the only true reality, it means we cannot stick to past models.

Science, by its very nature clings to past ideas, as it requires a radical change to adopt the new. Religions are even more truncated. Whomever was the teacher of the past, is long gone, and we may have pleasant memories, yet past is past. It is time to let it go.

To let go of everything threatens a lot of people. Why is this so challenging?

To let go of ideas.

To let go of beliefs.

To let go of thoughts.

To let go of plans.

To let go of teachers.

To let go of teachings.

To let go of written words and books.

To let go of the past.

To let go of the future.

To let go of thinking even as a person contemplating or reading these words.

Even to let go of the self.

That is freedom.

Photo via:  (No copyright infringement intended.)


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