be positive

be positive
March 25, 2013 Hayley Hobson

It’s so easy to worry and focus on the negative. If we are not in sync with ourselves, we hold negative energy onto our breast plate like a crying baby, pondering why we can’t can’t control it. The truth is, we can control it. We have the power to turn that negative energy into positive. We have the power to change our lives.  Instead of worrying and creating a negative cloud in your realm of energy, get out from underneath it and witness all the good in your life. Every time you slip into negativity, obsessive thoughts, fear, or worries, gather up the courage to turn the other direction.  Find light.  Feel gratitude. Focus on shifting your mind back to the good, no matter how bad you feel or how horrible you feel your current situation may be. Stick with thoughts of what can go right and you can’t go wrong…



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